欣觀點 | 4794陰謀網,香港史上的曼德拉效應:特區護照的真相,蔡楓華剎那光陰的原句 | 第二十五集 B 第二節

欣觀點 第二十五集 2019年06月14日
主持: 欣欣 , 嘉賓: Kenneth

第一節 : 大世界的陰謀論:曼德拉效應

第二節 : 4794陰謀網,香港史上的曼德拉效應:特區護照的真相,蔡楓華剎那光陰的原句

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4 Responses

  1. 保你大回水 says:


  2. tong chun pong says:


  3. Vincent Leung says:

    The British Flag (Union Jack) is always like now from day one. Never changed.
    There are 50 states in the USA. Therefore, 50 stars on the flag. Not 52 states. The District of Columbia (Washington DC) and Puerto Rico are not states. Use to have 13 stars since August 3, 1777. 15 stars since May 1, 1795. 20 stars since July 4, 1818. Then 48 stars when US got 48 states. 50 stars since 1959 when Alaska and Hawaii were gained statehood. Check the history.

  4. Vincent Leung says:

    When JFK was assassinated, the car was 6 seated. The reason why people always think it was 4 because there was glass panel between the driver’s row and the second row. And the most famous picture taken was only the 2nd and 3rd rows with the glass panel which look like the windshield. JFK was killed by gun shot on the head. Not the heart. Check the history please.

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